Welcome to the 7th Nordic Conference of Antiviral Treatment Strategies and Drug Resistance
15 th of June 2023
Norrlands Nation, Uppsala
Hosted by Clinical Microbiology, Laboratory Medicine, at Uppsala University Hospital;
and co-hosted by Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University.
The program for the 7th Nordic Conference of Antiviral Treatment Strategies and Drug Resistance (previously the Nordic Conference of HIV and Hepatitis Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies) is completed. This one-day meeting is aimed to attract MD´s and researchers from the Nordic countries, whose activities involve treatment of HIV, hepatitis B/C, SARS-CoV-2 and other virus infection, as well as antiviral drug resistance. Renowned international and national scientist has been invited to present current findings in the fields.
We hope that you will be able to join us in Uppsala the 15th of June 2023!

Confirmed speakers
Ralf Bartenschlager, University of Heidelberg
Daniel Kuritzkes, Harvard Medical School
Johan Neyts, University of Leuven, Belgium
Nina Weis, University of Copenhagen
Piotr Nowak, Karolinska Institute
Raymond Schinazi, Emory University, Atlanta
Jan Albert
Johan Lennerstrand
Josef Järhult
Anders Sönnerborg
Head organizer
Johan Lennerstrand